The Lunar Tails—December 2023

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Introducing Lunar Voice

Lunar Voice was born out of a deep-seated need to help small and medium-sized businesses break free from the limitations of traditional phone systems.

We observed that many businesses were struggling with expensive, long-term contracts and systems that were inflexible, leaving them stuck in an antiquated telecommunications maze.

Lunar Voice is your trusted local provider of smart Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions in Saskatchewan, Canada. As an innovative branch of Rivercity Technology Services Ltd., we are deeply committed to reshaping the telecommunication landscape of our vibrant community.

Our goal is simple yet ambitious: to offer a powerful, nimble, and cost-effective phone solution that could cater to businesses of all sizes. To achieve this, we envisioned a service that was not only robust enough to handle the demands of the largest SMB but also adaptable to suit any scenario. And thus, Lunar Voice was brought to life to revolutionize the way businesses communicate in our community.

Features Overview: (We really do have it all!)

AA helps you find the right party for the call!

Hunt groups can call those extensions
you set up. Phone or app!

Pick up a call. Park that call. Pick that
call up again. Oh, yeah!

For those stat nerds out there. We have
all of the reports!

Voicemail messages right to your
inbox. Play them from any device.

An easy-to-use web portal will make
managing your phone services a breeze.

Overhead speaker equipment? No
problem! We can work with that.

The best part?… No Contracts. Ever!

Lunar Voice Loves Animals

At Lunar Voice, we believe in the power of connection and communication, not just among people but also with our furry friends. That’s why we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Saskatoon Dog Rescue. This incredible organization is dedicated to providing loving homes for all dogs in need. Together, we aim to shine a spotlight on the precious souls who are patiently waiting for their forever homes.

By featuring these amazing animals in our newsletter, we aim to raise awareness about their stories and increase the chances of finding them loving families. In addition to featuring pups in our monthly newsletter, we will also be donating 5% of our monthly profits to Saskatoon Dog Rescue. Lunar Voice is committed to making a positive impact, and we invite you to join us in supporting these organizations and spreading the word about the importance of pet adoption. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these deserving animals.

Saskatoon Dog Rescue Facts

  1. Saskatoon Dog Rescue offers 2 programs:
    Spay/Neuter and Return Program
    Community Outreach Program
  2. In 2022/23 they found forever homes for 326 dogs!
  3. Saskatoon Dog Rescue posts new adoptions every Thursday! Watch out for newly available dogs on their social feeds!

Read the full newsletter to learn more about Lunar Voice and see this month’s puppy features!




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